This Time Tomorrow

*Made under our previous studio, Film It Now Productions.*

A depressed journalist investigates a story and finds a peculiar companion. Together, they explore the challenges of life and finality of death over a daily cup of coffee.


Status: Released October 1, 2016

"This Time Tomorrow" Poster created by Malia Balas


Directed by Kellen A. Cunningham

Written by Seth Noggle

Director of Photography Victor June

Edited by Brandon Wood

Produced by Brandon Wood, Victor June, Seth Noggle, Kellen A. Cunningham, & Geoffry O'Brien

Original Music by Adam James King



Paul Lewis - Gene Connelly

Jaime I - Osjanee Johnson

Jaime II - Bruce Rohrbach

Jaime III - Rosa Whitaker

Jaime IV - Bradley Harley

Jaime V - Kris Tuerk

Jaime VI - Joanna Glum

Jaime VII - Tom Nardone

Group Leader - Susan Mangold

Rose - Charlotte Buck

Man at Meeting - David Esser




Gene Connelly in "This Time Tomorrow"
A still from "This Time Tomorrow"
A still from "This Time Tomorrow"
Kris Tuerk in "This Time Tomorrow"
Joanna Glum in "This Time Tomorrow"
Tom Nardone in "This Time Tomorrow"
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